Mother’s Helper by Michelle Oram

98a9075d-5411-466a-9989-4bbfb5827dcdMother’s Helper by Michelle Oram

I scrubbed and scrubbed

Until the porcelain

Chipped away

from my heart


I hammered my head

Against the dark

Wood paneling

Until the fighting stopped


The chapped, slapped

Enraged face snapped

As I ran into my room

eyes slammed shut


I am my mother’s helper

I clean the dirt from

dark secret places

Ashes scattered in coffee


Pasty, broken, runny

eggs prepare me

for life’s journey

As I try and pass


Invisible from her wrath

Sculpted on the sofa

Once with paint brush

In hand, no more


As slumber erases

all dreams

The nightmares multiply

Replacing day with night


And night with day

pills get popped, dropped

adding to the decay

I pick up the pieces


I am my mother’s helper

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